EF6 Bulk Insert

Entity Framework can be slow when inserting data using a foreach loop for example. This Method uses the SqlBulkCopy class to speed…

Software Findings

Extend Monitor to another computer: http://spacedesk.ph Web-Based Email Client: http://www.rainloop.net Duplicate Detection/Clean…

Command Line Shortcuts

Here is a little collection of command line shortcuts that you can use to save some MouseClicks: Hibernate System: %WINDIR%\Syste…

Git CheatSheet

Change origin from HTTPS to SSH git remote rm origin git remote add origin git@git:XYZ.git git pull git branch —set-upstream-to=o…

Raspberrypi CheatSheet

Autostart chromium in fullscreen mode Edit ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and add the following line: @chromium-browser --s…